Following consultations with media organisations, industry representatives, and other parties, the Independent Commissioner's Office ('ICO') has published a third draft code of practice (the 'Code') on the use of personal information in journalism.
The ICO was required to produce the Code pursuant to section 124 of the Data Protection Act 2018, following the Leveson Inquiry. On 6 July 2023, the ICO's third draft of the Code was sent to the Secretary of State for the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology for approval by Parliament.
The Code seeks to help journalists to understand the data protection laws that apply to their work and to provide guidance on what those rules mean and how journalists can comply.
Upon the Code being laid before Parliament by the Secretary of State, a 40-day review period will commence in both Houses of Parliament. If there are no objections, the Code will come into force three weeks after the end of the review period.
If ratified, the Code will provide some much-needed clarity as to the ICO's expectations of journalists.
The Code seeks to help journalists to understand the data protection laws that apply to their work