
EVENT: London International Disputes Week 2024


Alongside our co-hosts 3VB, Brick Court and Kroll, Howard Kennedy's Commercial Dispute Resolution team are proud to be hosting three events during London International Disputes Week 2024. 

1. Effective Case Management of India-related International Arbitrations

  • Date: Wednesday 5th June
  • Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • Hosts: Howard Kennedy & Brick Court Chambers
  • Venue: Howard Kennedy, 1 London Bridge, SE1 9BG

Over the last 10 years India has made significant progress in enhancing its ADR infrastructure, with the intention of becoming a major hub for international arbitration and dispute resolution. However, delays and uncertainty still have the potential to frustrate parties, with various tactics and manoeuvres employed to stymy proceedings.

In this practical session our expert panel will discuss their own experiences of managing India-related international arbitration matters, share successful strategies that have helped to keep proceedings moving and outline key considerations for arbitration professionals looking to resolve India-related disputes. This will include a consideration of the choice of Tribunal and its importance in ensuring the efficient progress of an arbitration and how institutional rules can be used to ensure smooth progress.


To register click here.

2. Conquering Crypto: The Everest of Financial Fraud

  • Date: Wednesday 5th June
  • Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
  • Hosts: Howard Kennedy & Kroll
  • Venue: Howard Kennedy, 1 London Bridge, SE1 9BG

Over the past few years crypto fraud has experienced a concerning surge, propelled by the growing popularity and adoption of digital currencies. Malicious actors exploit vulnerabilities in decentralized systems, employing sophisticated phishing schemes, fake initial coin offerings (ICOs), and ransomware attacks to target unsuspecting investors. The anonymity associated with cryptocurrencies often makes it challenging to trace and prosecute perpetrators.

Join our expert panel in a live asset tracing investigation as they trek from base camp to the summit of recovery and discuss how to deal with the avalanches and blizzards that can arise to try to block your pathway to success. From the importance of early investigation to identifying targets and freezing / seizing assets along the way, the effect of intersection between criminal and civil proceedings to navigating jurisdictional issues, the panel will walk you through the tools you need to map your way to the summit and a successful recovery.


To register click here.

3. David vs Goliath? Contractual Disputes Involving States - Experience from Africa

  • Date: Thursday, 6th June
  • Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • Hosts: Howard Kennedy & 3VB
  • Venue: Howard Kennedy, 1 London Bridge, SE1 9BG

As African economies continue to grow, the resolution of commercial disputes is an increasingly critical aspect for states, investors and contractors of creating a conducive environment for business and economic growth. Most arbitrations involving states arise out of the contracts made between private contractors or investors and states and state-owned companies. They present special challenges of strategy, law and enforcement, which can be tricky to navigate. In this session, a group of highly experienced specialists will discuss several aspects of the expert's tool-kit for handling such cases, with reference to their own experience resolving disputes in the region.


To register click here.

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